
Monday, February 6, 2012

mailing it in - blogging by email

Faster & easier.  I'm always on the lookout for ways to do things faster &/or easier.  It looks like blogger offers an option to email a blog post to my blog.  If that's true, I'll have one more option for publishing a blog post, especially from the field.

As it stands now I compose most of my posts in Evernote, whether on my mobile phone or my computer.  Then, when I get to my computer, I log into blogger, copy & paste my post, and publish.  But, sometimes the formatting needs a little massaging.  And other times it's several hours before I'm at a computer.  Heck, I might even wait until the next day rather than exerting myself with those 4-5 mouseclicks if it's late at night!

So, blogging via email could be useful, since I have access to email from almost anywhere / anytime.

The real question is, how will blogger handle this email?  Only one way to find out.

Below is a bullet list with some of my questions:

  • My default email font is trebuchet, navy blue.  Does blogger strip that & use my blog's default, or will this font render?
  • What will this bullet point list look like?
  • How about other changes to the font, such as bold, underline, italics, or a different color (red)?
  • And spacing - I'm double-spacing between paragraphs in this email; will blogger recognize that?
My next concern is regarding pictures - will blogger understand & include photos?  I'm going to insert one photo into this email, directly below this sentence.  It's a picture of me with my 2 kids, just before running the Turkey Trot a couple months ago.

photo above ^

ps - the photo is 1024 px wide - will blogger resize it to fit w/in the blog's column?

And finally, I'm going to attach a photo to the email.  It's a picture of the choppy water at Lake Pleasant before a particularly cold triathlon last spring.  Where will blogger insert that image, if it inserts it at all?

The bottom line is that faster & easier is a good thing, but it has to be functional as well.  If this email-post looks ok, then I'll have one more arrow in my productivity quiver...

-Chris Butterworth

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