
Monday, April 2, 2012

update on training progress

Training is going well, and I'm starting to get excited for my race next month.  I haven't reached the point where I can sustain 3 hours of high-intensity exercise, but I'm getting closer.

Here is an update to a previous post that required some follow-up..

From "a fun way to track your progress", I've continued to swim, ride, and run, and my progress circles are growing.  (running & biking circles are centered at my house; swimming is centered at the Huntington Beach pier.)

Running - green circle
Biking - red circle
Swimming - white circle


Running & biking, I'm getting closer to leaving the State, which is pretty cool.  It's actually not too much further to the Gulf of California in Mexico!  As for swimming, it's still a long way to Catalina Island, but those two dark blue spots just in front of my white circle are huge oil drilling platforms - I should reach them in the next week or two.  (That'll be a great place to stop & catch my breath!)

-Chris Butterworth

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