
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fit-20 Workout 07-18-12

Fit-20 Workout 07-18-12

The Fit-20 concept is simple: 20 minutes, wherever you are, with little or no equipment needed, so you can squeeze a full-body workout into your day without skipping sleep, skipping work, or skipping out on your family.

Today's Workout

Warm up (2-5 min) - wake your body up and get ready to go using whatever works best for you. Running in place, jogging, shadow boxing, dancing, jumping jacks - anything you want.


Do as many as you can in 16 minutes of:
  1. 6 DumbBell Thrusters
  2. 6 Mountain Jumpers
  3. 6 Sit-ups
  4. 6 Box Jumps - from a standing position, jump up to a box or step (6-24 inches, depending on your ability), then jump back down.

How'd you do? Remember to log your results, so you'll have a benchmark to shoot for next time.

-Chris Butterworth



  1. I did an awesome one this morning... my wife and I did it together.

    Warmup then

    400m run
    Wall jump (step up for wife about 20" me, 14" wife thanks to slanted driveway)
    Goblet squats (45# me, 20 wife)
    400M run

  2. That's awesome, Dean - I've written before about cross-fit being a great way to workout with two people of different abilities. ( In that post I share a workout that my wife & I did together.. I like being able to involve your closest friends & family members into your workouts - win win win for everyone!
