
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fit-20 Workout 07-25-12

Fit-20 Workout 07-25-12

* Note - This is the 24th Fit-20 Workout I've published. I'm going to publish a couple more, and then pause for a bit to focus more on the diet & nutrition side of the equation. Once we have 26 workouts, if you continue to do 3 per week, it will take you 2 months to get through the set. Then you can start over at the beginning and rotate through them again. (and I'd be interested to hear how much better/faster/stronger you are the 2nd time through!)

The Fit-20 concept is simple: 20 minutes, wherever you are, with little or no equipment needed, so you can squeeze a full-body workout into your day without skipping sleep, skipping work, or skipping out on your family.

Today's Workout

Warm up (2-5 min) - wake your body up and get ready to go using whatever works best for you. Running in place, jogging, shadow boxing, dancing, jumping jacks - anything you want.


5 Rounds, for time (or stop at 20 minutes, whichever comes first), of:
Remember, Intensity matters - push yourself as hard as you can while staying safe.

How'd you do? Remember to log your results, so you'll have a benchmark to shoot for next time.

-Chris Butterworth



  1. Chris, I've been following your posts on the Fit-20 workout program for about 3 weeks and admit I've not gone back and read your info before that so you may have covered what I'm about to say. I think your plan is excellent as you vary your workouts (very important to keep the muscles guessing) and it's strenuous enough that it gives you 20 full minutes of a good cardio workout...BUT. For me I need, and think others do also a once a week workout that's in the 2 hour range. For Judy and I it's a hike for others it could be the 7-10 mile run. We call it our "time on our feet" workout. Maybe I just need continual re-enforcement that I can handle a long hard workout when I need to. Looking forward to your thoughts.....Brian

  2. Brian - good points, thank you for sharing. (and for participating!) You touched on a few different topics with this one..

    1.) Fit-20 is designed as a workout routine which can be done in 20 minutes "so you can squeeze a full-body workout into your day without skipping sleep, skipping work, or skipping out on your family." If you're able and willing to do more and go further, by all means - that's awesome. Get out and do it. But for those with tight schedules and time-related excuses for not being as fit as they'd like, Fit-20 is a great way to work your entire body - you're building muscle, burning fat, and giving your heart and lungs a cardio blast, all at the same time. Efficient and wonderful.

    2.) You're only in shape for whatever it is you're in shape for. Or put another way: you can do anything, but you can't do everything. Very true - by doing a 20-minute workout routine, you're not preparing your body for endurance hiking or long-distance running. If your goal is to run a 10k or half marathon, there's no way to get in shape for your event other than by running those distances.

    3.) Fit-20 can be a building block to other fitness goals as well. Someone who is out of shape might only be willing to commit 20 minutes at a time. But as time goes by, the workouts get easier and the pounds melt away, they may set their sites on larger goals, and begin incorporating different workouts.

    There's definitely a place for longer, harder, different workouts, depending on a person's goals and lifestyle. But I can't fit a 3-hour hike into a 20-minute routine. :)
