
Friday, September 28, 2012

from 30 for 30 short films: Arnold's Blueprint

from 30 for 30 short films: Arnold's Blueprint

"This 10-minute film focuses on the years before he was the "Universe's Perfect Specimen," when a young Schwarzenegger seized upon an opportunity to use the sport of bodybuilding to catapult himself to international stardom."

Arnold's story is amazing, not just because of his ultimate size and definition, but because of the dedication and determination he needed to make his journey. In fact, Arnold had ALL the traits of achievement:
  • a Clear Vision of his Goal - He could visualize his goal with such clarity that it motivated his every action.
  • Elevation of his Goal - He put his goal first, and everything else second. Food, sleep, punishment, working conditions - it didn't matter. Action towards The Goal was the most important part of his day.
  • Amazing dedication - Nothing was going to stop him. After running 20 miles in combat boots in the morning and doing infantry drills in the afternoon, the rest of his platoon-mates crashed in their bunks. Arnold would start his 3-hour workout when their day ended.
  • Time - He didn't do it overnight. In fact, he kept this goal-driven fire burning within him for several years.
  • Persistence - he worked at it EVERY DAY for over a year before things started going his way. Then he worked EVEN HARDER!
  • Support - He made progress on his own, but he didn't reach the summit until he had people in his corner.
I've always been blown away by Arnold's physical build - who hasn't? But I sort of assumed he was simply a meat-head from the early days of body building - spending all day pumping iron in an old-school gym. Today I have far more respect for him than I ever did before.

Thanks, Arnold, and congratulations on everything you've accomplished. And thank you, ESPN, for sharing this.

-Chris Butterworth

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