
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

are fitness videos wanna be porn?

are fitness videos wanna be porn?

Try this - go to youtube and search for "fitness"..

Here are 9 of the 25 thumbnails that showed in my search results:

collection of fitness videos thumbnails

Don't get me wrong...

  1. I understand you've put in a lot of effort and have a great body to show for it.
  2. You are (presumably) showing a workout in your video. (I'd better not click to watch these from my office, so I'm not sure.)
  3. Sex sells (as does sexy), and ultimately you're looking to increase views / hits / sales / revenue.
  4. Maybe there's nothing subversive about these, and my mind's just in the gutter. (hey, I can't help it - I'm a guy.) Then again, with titles like "Hot to Trot", "Fitness is Sexy", and "Sexy Body on Fire", I doubt it.

I'm not here to argue for or against; I'm just saying. I occasionally browse videos looking for ideas and motivation, and I'd be afraid to click on some of these from my desk at work!

For another perspective, search on Triathlon or Crossfit, and you'll see a different theme running through the results - lots of dedication, motivation, and commitment.

Keep working out. Keep being healthy. Keep sharing what you've learned. But please, keep it clean.

Am I crazy and flat-out wrong on this one? Let me know in the comments..

-Chris Butterworth



  1. Brilliant!

    I guess this teaches us to be a little more specific in our search criteria...


  2. Well put, George.

    Thanks for reading.
