Tuesday, July 14, 2015

fruit juicee - orange apple banana

I've been drinking a fruit juicee most mornings lately, ever since I received a Magic Bullet as a birthday gift last month. I say juicee rather than smoothie, because I'm not adding any milk, yogurt, granola, or anything else to the recipe. This is nothing but fruit and juice, pure and simple:


  • Orange Juice - 8 oz
  • 1 Banana
  • 1 Apple (cored, with or without the skin. Using the skin provides more fiber and antioxidants, but it also makes the consistency/texture of the juicee a little thicker.)
  • Ice (optional) - just a bit


  • Put all the ingredients into a Magic Bullet cup
  • Screw on the blade cap
  • Blend until juicee'd
  • Enjoy

Nutritional Information

  • The juicee will have approximately 300-350 calories, depending on the size of the banana and apple.
    • 110 calories Simply Orange orange juice (I switch between Simply Orange, Tropicana, and Minute Maid - whichever is on sale.)
    • 121 medium banana (per calorieking.com)
    • 93 medium apple (per calorieking.com)
  • I've been replacing my morning bowl of cereal with a juicee, so the trade-off is about equal, only I'm adding Mother Nature's real food and I'm removing grocery-store-boxed-food-with-unpronounceable-ingredients from my mornings.

Give this Orange Apple Banana Fruit Juicee a try and let me know what you think..

- Chris Butterworth

Promotional Disclosure - This is not a product review of nor am I receiving any payments from Magic Bullet. I simply use their product almost everyday. The links to Magic Bullet in this article are, however, associated with my amazon account.


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