Monday, July 9, 2012

Fit-20 Workout 07-09-12

Fit-20 Workout 07-09-12

The Fit-20 concept is simple: 20 minutes, wherever you are, with little or no equipment needed, so you can squeeze a full-body workout into your day without skipping sleep, skipping work, or skipping out on your family.

Today's Workout

Warm up (2-5 min) - wake your body up and get ready to go using whatever works best for you. Running in place, jogging, shadow boxing, dancing, jumping jacks - anything you want.


For time (or stop at 20 minutes, whichever comes first.)

1.) 100-Ups

2.) 4 Rounds of:
3.) 100-Ups

How'd you do? Remember to log your results, so you'll have a benchmark to shoot for next time.

-Chris Butterworth


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